this started a few weeks back over 10 too many beers. we really want to do something that will make a difference, and many of us have been very closely affected by cancer, and want to see something done about it. plus what a good thing to get involved in. hopefully as things progress we'll go from strength to strength and events will get bigger and better.
look out for the 17th april (saturday), the others will be hosted by us for the night, with live bands and plenty of drink. promises that it'll be a bangin night, only £3 entry peoples AND ABSOLUTELY ALL OF IT GOES TO CHARITY. EVERY PENNY WE MAKE WILL GO DIRECTLY TO THE INSTITUTE OF CANCER RESEARCH. so get on it, unless you really dont care....
Karaoke Project
This is what a Good night is about



passage from a book titled: 'the others'. i connected so much to this book
I became attached to train travel – to seeing the grimy backs of buildings along train lines, the fenced industry and hung laundry. I slept in train seats. I opted for the rear car, so that in long bends, in open country, I could look ahead and watch the engine pass particulars of the landscape. And in the interim between the engines passing of, say, a half fallen brick pumping station and my own passing of it, happiness inhabited my journey. It was like the feeling I had on station platforms sometimes just after sunrise, when no one else was around and no train was expected for an hour or more, and an express had just gone through at high speed a minute or so before, the passengers in it flashing past like kings, queens and jacks in a thumbed deck of cards, ephemeral as thoughts. I put down my reading when that happened and enjoyed the absence of the train’s noise, the silence of a station in the countryside. To be awake in the cool of morning on a bench near train tracks, hungry, with a little breeze blowing, and whatever book u were reading open in your lap, was a little like listening for something you thought you might have heard a moment before. I suppose you could say I felt the sweetness, then, of being alive and in good health. At the same time, my romantic spells were curtailed by the sight of garbage near the rails, or by a wandering dog raising a leg at the corner of a building. I just didn’t have the psychic wherewithal to incorporate these images into my affection for living; I let them dispirit me, as the heat of the day and the crowds on the trains dispirited me, most days, during the afternoon.
i dont have any of this XD

Graphic Score

so much deja vu my head hurts
firstly, we didnt get outclassed. and we werent sloppy. we didnt finish chances and we committed too many players forward. but how much deja vu can a person experience before you actually believe you've been into this future and lived this experience already? then i realised, it was almost identical to the champs semi we had to endure last season. bright start, quick pace, optimistic, good atmosphere. but thos early missed chances, they didnt leave me feeling good, i felt something was off key, or one of them would have gone in. oh well, another day, another kick in the balls. on to chelski and hopefully we can seduce them with our boyish charm and then sneak a few in the net. or we can let drogba give us more nightmares...... be positive rory. ok ill try.
Seeing Red isn't just for bulls
my fellow bloggers

So since I started this thingy here where I glorify diary entries into something more masculine and mature, rather than a 12 year old girl writing about her feelings and how much tommy hurt her feelings by throwing sand in her hair rather than giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek and nothing else becuase she hasnt hit puberty and doesnt really know the ins and outs of a sexual relationship (only because she isnt mexican).
Erm, i forget what i was getting at. anyhoo theres other bloggers i kno who are doing this thing for whatever reason who i want to mention and link becuase hey, this is all for other peoples cultural learning or woteva.... so yea ima put down a few blogs to check out.
firstly, kanye wests blog is pretty good, hes actually up at par when it comes to throwing down some good designers and artists work every now and then...
then theres my man Ruan, with his blog Rudihoo and his thoughts of a hero... he dont update much but hey, hes a guy with big testicles and lives in croyden so obviously has a lot to deal with...
then theres My kiwi rudegirl Saxon, and her wish for us all to Follow the Fairies becuase theyre happiness fairies... yea they will cheer you up dont worry.
theres also an anonymous breh who posts some absolutely wonderful top draw musings, ranging from the wonders of pr0n, through ketchup stashing and right through to mentioning that the welsh are much more communicative than us paranoid LDN folk. this is all stuff that awisemanoncesaidtome, and im going to believe it becuase it started with the great big gov'nor or cali, Arnie schwarzzenheimermannegga... so safe for the william noyes x.
Also theres my new big man with a hole in his ear far too big for us western folk christian, whos been in this game a lot longer than the rest of us. Bhudda Blesses us most days thanks to his posting, and boy o boy is his art skills up there with the best.
also theres Chocolate Bear, AKA Merks (MKz coz he can shorten it now (i wanna do a TN? then ppl cud pronounce it)) Kalenn Marshall, whos in big persons uni rather than a foundation... Kalenns blog is more sophisticated seein as he uses wordpress rather than blogspot. [news just in, i must make good advertisement for the blogspot massive coz thas what im hosted on, so yea theyre the best and all that....) Kalenns is graphics massive, and gaming masssive, and computer epic. Xxx
so thas who im reppin get meh.
Greg Williams
this guy is big in the business at the minute... his portraits of celebrities probably the best, although i really love the reportage pictures and behind the scenes shots of various film productions. He shadowed the filming of the latest Bond movies, getting a different aspect to the actors, which is always interesting. Predominantly he uses a RedCam, which is a HD camera which shoots video, with each frame acting as a spreadsheet quality photograph, which some dislike, as theya rgue it takes away the job of the photographer to know how to capture a moment and therefore decreases the value of the trade. But the ones of megan fox..... im glad he used it to get the best shots possible....
tomasz gudzowaty

I've been to these salt mines in Peru, as part of a large trip. It was a real cultural experience, and this salt mine was up in the hills, hundreds of miles away from the sea and about 3 kilometres above sea level.... Tomasz Gudzowaty is an amazing photographer who captures a huge amount of emotion and narrative in each of his photographs
I never apologize. I’m sorry, but that’s just the way I am.
knows karate, kung fu and 43 other dangerous words
okay who's the wise guy putting all the W's in the M 'n' M's bag?
George Gowland is wondering if money doesn't grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?
George Gowland says facebook is the only place where you can talk to a wall without looking strange
you do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice.
light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
I decided to cancel my Twitter account.I don't want to sound paranoid, but I'm pretty sure people are following me.
George Gowland wants to do something different today so is thinking about sitting on the TV to watch the sofa
George Gowland learned that Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest.
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
George Gowland says we could merge My Space, Facebook, You Tube and Twitter and call it: MY FACE YOU TWIT.
George Gowland doesnt need to exercise. He gets enough from pushing hus luck, jumping to conclusions and pulling your chain
George Gowland wonders why "all together" is written separate, and "separate" is written all together.
George Gowland just made you waste 6 seconds of your life, by reading this status.
George Gowland is wishing that he could throw magic dust on his problems and make them disappear! Kind of like a wizard...or a crack addict!
George Gowland is CDO, its like OCD but alphabetized like it should be.
George Gowland is having trouble watering his plastic plants.
George Gowland knows that 78% of statistics are made up
there are 3 kinds of people on facebook, Those who can count and those who can't.
George Gowland asks if you realize how many holes there could be if people would just take the time to take the dirt out of them?
After Monday(M) and Tuesday(T), even the week says 'WTF'!!!
duck was about to cross the road when a chicken came running up and said... don't do it man ... you will never here the end of it!
a dawrf get pic-pocketed the other day... How could someone stoop so low.
George Gowland just pased his keyboard MOT with flying colours 1234567890-=qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,.\/!?%^_*-+7894561230.
if at first you don't succeed, then skydiving probably isn't for you...
"hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia - the fear of long words" Now thats just cruel.
There are 3 ninjas in this status. Try to find them.
George Gowland ™ is a registered trademark. All unauthorised reproduction and distribution will lead to prosecution.
people who tweet need to get a bird
never moon a werewolf.
being vague is almost as fun as doing this other thing.
iThinks iThere iMight iBe iA iProblem iWith iThe iNew iPhone iSoftware iUpdate
George Gowland put's the "poo" in pool
_̴ı̴̴̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡*̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡|̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ ̲|̡̡̡ ̡ ̴̡ı̴̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡ hmmmmm Holiday
George Gowland asks what no alcohol beer is for... people who don't want to get drunk but still like to urinate?
George Gowland dreams of a better world...where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned.
beep boop "status change" acievement unlocked
if two identical twin brothers married identical twin sisters, would there kids be identical?
George Gowland is bottling his anger. He heard he could sell it on ebay
George Gowland knows that 6 out of 7 dwarfs are not happy
George Gowland exagerates 140% of the time
George Gowland says sex is like poker, if you dont have a partner, you better have a good hand.
George Gowland is wondering if a fly without wings is called a walk.
friendship is like peeing your pants: everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling that it brings.
George Gowland has had amnesia for as long as he can remember
if my calculations are correct SLINKY + ESCULATOR = EVERLASTING FUN
It was once said that a black man would be president when pigs flew. Well behold just months into his presidency...Swine Flu!
George Gowland would kill for a Nobel Peace Prize.
George Gowland is reminding everyone that a presentation on time travel will be held two weeks ago...
ʎɐqǝ uo pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ɐ ʎnq ı ǝɯıʇ ʇsɐן ǝɥʇ sı sıɥʇ
George Gowland took an IQ test and luckily the results were negative.
George Gowland can't find Sesame Street on Google Earth.
George Gowland stll can't fgure out whch key s mssng n hs keyboard
George Gowland is proud of himself. He finished a jigsaw puzzle in 6 months and the box said 2-4 years.
George Gowland found the secret to humans flying is to throw yourself at the ground... and miss
George Gowland is filmed before a live studio audience.
George Gowland is a nobody, nobody is perfect, therefore I'm perfect.
George Gowland Always remember, three out of four people make up 75 percent of the population.
George Gowland Bullshit. No thats not Bullshit its true. Oh ok then...(after taking an 'are you schizophrenic' facebook test)
My Batteries are Included
and so concludes the musings of Mr. George Roscoe Nichols Gowland. Hope you all enjoyed that.so today wasnt totally un productive......
I didnt manage to get past security once arriving at the building in the Am.... but i did turn around and go home and then wallow in self pity for a bit untill Duck Sauce cheered me up (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWM5D3MwSgA) but i did manage to extend my typography repetoire somewhat. and isnt that what everyone dreams about?

And i made progress with my poster in the sense that i now think ima do a different theme altogether - probably the tired, over-used young-troubled-teenagers-are-the-victims-they-are-crying-for-help-give-them-something-to-do-like-football-and-they-will-stop-stabbing. simply because i can make better images from it. seeeemples!
ok, but then all the changes in angles, what if the ball hits me in teh face?
this seems a wee bit crazy - but it is the direction we've been heading in. It really begs the question tho: why not do up the technology involved with the game itself (goal line, video referees etc) rather than the viewing of it? surely this will make it even easier for us to see when the ref gets it wrong?
this isnt going how i planned
Reverse Graffitti

Paul Curtis aka Moose is no regular graffiti artist. In fact, he’s the reverse-graffiti artist. He created his street art by *cleaning* the dirt and grime off of surfaces!
Authorities are baffled: is selective cleaning a crime?
The tools are simple: A shoe brush, water and elbow grease, he says.
British authorities aren’t sure what to make of the artist who is creating graffiti by cleaning the grime of urban life. The Leeds City Council has been considering what to do with Moose. "I’m waiting for the kind of Monty Python court case where exhibit A is a pot of cleaning fluid and exhibit B is a pair of my old socks," he jokes.
One of those special moments...
What Stormtroopers do on their day off
Jesse Ash (artist)

Changing Perceptions: the work of Jesse Ash
‘I’m interested in using the image to erase itself’ Ash, J (2007) UOVO: Jesse Ash by David Lewis. P141.
Those are the words of Jesse Ash when talking about his work in ‘Review’, his first solo show that featured in London and Los Angeles. I first encountered it at Zoo Art Fair in Shoreditch this year. It seems that the trend amongst artists currently is to change perceptions – but beyond the level previously reached. The main objective appears to be to pick apart an image, text, concept or object and find ways of presenting it that changes people’s perceptions of the original entity. For instance, Ash’s work uses a process of eliminating parts of an image, using numerous copies of the same image. Through a process of cutting and pasting – all done by hand – the images appear at first unedited. But once you gain the understanding of how it has been re-mastered, your initial perception of the image changes completely.
The content he uses is taken straight from the media – predominantly newspapers. This choice of material affects the context of the piece and alters the way it is read. For me, the first thing I took from the work is that you begin to understand how the media can doctor images and content to suit their own purposes – you can only see and read what they choose to show. This makes me wonder what is real and what is fake.
There is always that feeling that the media manipulates information and influences us in a way that suits them, and at first Ash’s work seems to be tackling that topic – he is critiquing the system. But upon further inspection it isn’t that simple. His interests lay more in the presentation of information and how it can be altered subtly.
This work, as well as his intention to change perceptions on a topic, Ash has successfully attempted to use a medium in a new way. When making collages, the work is usually geared towards portraying to the audience the process that has taken place, but Ash’s collages attempt to show a final image that could be the original itself, with the process only visible upon closer inspection. This allows the content in the image to be the main focus, unlike most collage work.
Collage comes from the word coller which means to glue. This process, or technique, was brought into the public eye through names like Picasso, but its popularity has grown more recently, with artists in the past 20 years choosing quite often to use this technique in their work. Usually the work carries a political message, whether that is positively conveying something to showing distaste towards a subject.
Collage in itself contradicts constantly – some artists choose to use it to allow the viewer to gain clearer understanding of the world, such as Ian Munroe, as he discusses in his work ‘ where does one thing end and the next begin?’ in Assembling Contemporary Art: Collage(2008), while others choose to subvert understanding through subtle changes that change viewers perceptions. Ash chooses the latter; he is interested in how mass media influences through how they present information, and the idea that it can be changed through subtle manoeuvres. He isn’t shouting down the system however, as he believes his work ‘uses the language of the framework, or system, that the work occupies, and then subverts it slightly’ Ash, J (2007) UOVO: Jesse Ash by David Lewis. P137. He doesn’t want to shout the system down because that would be naive and uninteresting of him. And I agree – it would seem rather a blasé and obvious way of doing things, and wouldn’t engage with the audience as much, as those who didn’t share his view would switch off. The way he chooses to tackle the subject invites all who see it to question their beliefs on what is real and what is fake. In Assembling Contemporary Art: Collage (2008.), Ash’s work stood out because it was far more subtle than those surrounding his. I think I was struck by his work because of the sense of realism it brings, in contrast to the technique of collaging, where most choose to use it to produce more surrealist work. I’m interested in creating work that that looks real – whether that be through drawing or painting (I like it to look as if it could be a photograph), to editing existing images into something different yet entirely believable.
This work struck me as something different and I found it also related to what I was studying at the time. I had chosen to explore the topic ‘old & new’, and I feel Ash’s work is seizing a rather new technique (something which is seen widely across image editing software) and using traditional, or ‘old’, means to produce the same effect. I actually think this makes for a more effective piece of artwork, as you get a sense of identity and appreciate the work that has gone into it. While the process he uses is much more subtle in its display than other collage, once an understanding of the process is gained, you can see the lengths it has taken just to make it look like nothing has been done.
After doing this essay, I talked to Jesse Ash about his work. This is what he had to say.
Originally I was interested in new Labour and their spin – it almost made aesthetics and packaging more important that the policies or content. I liked the idea of changing the images; I know I can erase elements enough for it to become an intriguing composition without becoming something entirely new. (Ash, 2009)
My only critique of his work was that there didn’t seem to be any explanation to the work – what the image was originally, what the meaning of the changes were. When I asked him, he said:
‘Referencing where it’s from takes away the meaning as the new image is what the real meaning is – it has become more important and interesting. It creates imagination.’ (Ash, 2009)
Jesse Ash’s work ran on a much deeper level than I had first understood, and it was only thanks to this research that I could truly understand it. But I suppose that is what art is really about. It allows you to be curious and learn something new.
‘I like to use what art has to offer: when you think about the general population, it’s a very small number that bothers to visit art galleries. But when they do, they go in with inquisitive minds, they open themselves to question things and explore. I like allowing people to do this.’ (Ash, 2009)
Gnod - It'll tell you just what you want.....
Karel Martens

New Project - Poster fighting for a local cause
Dan Eatock (designer)
this is for a friend xD
Genre : Country, Rock/Pop
Year : 2008
1. Should've Been a Cowboy
2. He Ain't Worth Missing
3. Little Less Talk and a Lot More Action, A
. Wish I Didn't Know Now
5. Who's That Man
6. Upstairs Downtown
7. You Ain't Much Fun
8. Big Ol' Truck
9. Does That Blue Moon Ever Shine on You
10. Woman's Touch, A
11. Me Too
12. We Were in Love
13. I'm So Happy I Can't Stop Crying
14. Dream Walkin'
15. Getcha Some
16. How Do You Like Me Now
17. Country Comes to Town
18. You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This
1. I'm Just Talkin' About Tonight
2. I Wanna Talk About Me
3. My List
4. Courtesy of the Red, White, And Blue (The Angry American)
5. Who's Your Daddy
6. Beer For My Horses
7. I Love This Bar
8. American Soldier
9. Whiskey Girl
10. Stays in Mexico
11. Mockingbird
12. Honky Tonk U
13. As Good as I Once Was
14. Big Blue Note
15. Get Drunk and Be Somebody
16. Little Too Late, A
17. She's a Hottie
Uniqlo Advert: U-min
Hello Bastard, Wipe ur Feet on the Shit...(anyone know that joke?)