Currently studying for a foundation diploma in Art and Design at Camberwell, part of the University of Arts London. This blog was their idea. I'm just trying to live up to the expectation of making a blog that goes some way to being worthwhile?


so much deja vu my head hurts

firstly, we didnt get outclassed. and we werent sloppy. we didnt finish chances and we committed too many players forward. but how much deja vu can a person experience before you actually believe you've been into this future and lived this experience already? then i realised, it was almost identical to the champs semi we had to endure last season. bright start, quick pace, optimistic, good atmosphere. but thos early missed chances, they didnt leave me feeling good, i felt something was off key, or one of them would have gone in. oh well, another day, another kick in the balls. on to chelski and hopefully we can seduce them with our boyish charm and then sneak a few in the net. or we can let drogba give us more nightmares...... be positive rory. ok ill try.

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