Currently studying for a foundation diploma in Art and Design at Camberwell, part of the University of Arts London. This blog was their idea. I'm just trying to live up to the expectation of making a blog that goes some way to being worthwhile?


New Project - Poster fighting for a local cause

So, as one week comes to a close (minus the completed article of work), another begins. For this "project" (they only ever last about a week?) is to design an A1 poster about a local cause. I toyed with a bunch of ideas; teenagers needing more recreational activities, especially when the sun goes down. that would hopefully stop all this 'knife crime'. I dno. It's been done a wee bit now. It's tired. Then I thought of campaigning for Arsene Wenger for Prime Minister, but that caught two hitches; apparently it wasn't serious enough, and more importantly he would have to stop being Arsenal Manager, which is unthinkable of course.

I finally settled on the real problem that the city is facing - Dogs are destroying trees with their piss. The problem is the acid in the piss is rotting the base of the trees, more notably the freshly planted ones, and they're not surviving. So we must stop this, for the good of photosynthesis if nothing else, which ensures oxygen, which insures our life......

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