Currently studying for a foundation diploma in Art and Design at Camberwell, part of the University of Arts London. This blog was their idea. I'm just trying to live up to the expectation of making a blog that goes some way to being worthwhile?



What is a sinister thing? something we despise? something dangerous, that lurks in the dark? Rapists, tortureres, murderers, peodaphiles... they all seem pretty sinister. Tony Blair and George Bush are both pretty sinister. Anyone affiliated with the BNP... Something that slowly leeches into you, killing you from the inside, like a cancer, or cancer for that matter. That's a sinister thing. what sometimes seems to be the case is the sight of that thing or the image it portrays can be both sinister and beautiful at the same time. I mean this in the case of something like the atom bomb; It's one of the most sinister things in history, but at the same time the sight of that mushroom cloud, whilst knowing the destruction its causing, it looks so amazing and beautiful. On a smaller scale, smoking slowly kills those who inhale, but the way the smoke licks out of the cigarette and curls itself in the still air is so beautiful and majestic. Life is full of these juxtapositions...

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